Follow-on activities


Transforming Musicology was intended from the start to foster research, collaborations and engagement activities that would live beyond the project. Ongoing activities that started during the run of the project are described on our Activities page. On this page, we describe new funded projects that have arisen as a result of Transforming Musicology.

Learn to Play

Arising from our work with lute tablature, this project will build models for assessing how hard passages are to play, starting with solo music for guitar and for flute. Working with teachers, amateur musicians and our music-industry partner, Tido Music, we will train and test our models in a way that allows us to support learners at all levels, and who have different degrees of teacher support. This project is led by Tim Crawford, Rebecca Fiebrink and Holly Rogers at Goldsmiths University of London.


Digital Delius: interpretation, performance and analysis

This follows on from a project at Oxford's Music Faculty – Delius, Modernism and the Sound of Place, which was led by Professor Daniel Grimley. During the project, a collaboration was started with the Transforming Musicology team to provide technical advice and assistance, as a result of which a joint project was started. Called Digital Delius: interpretation, performance and analysis, this project will use tools developed within the Oxford eResearch Centre to support a ‘digital exhibition’, helping non-experts to understand and engage with digital items online, including newly scanned archival documents and manuscripts.

The project is being carried out in partnership with the British Library and the Delius Trust and will be accompanied by workshops, concerts and a launch event at the British Library.



Unlocking Musicology

Whereas Transforming Musicology developed innovative digital methods and computational approaches for academic musicological research, Unlocking Musicology will explore a digital transformation of engagement - how these research techniques can be reapplied to enhance our understanding and exploration of music and music-related catalogues.

Working with partners, we will repurpose methods from four Transforming Musicology studies in proof of concept websites. Through these the general public will gain new insight of resources from the New York Philharmonic, the Internet Archive Live Music Archive, and RILM. Academic digital musicologists will be able to take our exemplars as templates and inspiration for their own future impact and engagement.